3 curl types: which one is yours?
Wavy, curly and coily. Usually is on these terms we talk to describe a hair type using one word.Technically is not wrong, but we can improve with details! Chill, I’m here to show you the classification for different hair types to help you choose the best products to our dear curls.
These classifications are made according to each strand of hair and curve. It goes from the very light wavy ones till the very curly and suuuper defined hair.
There are 3 different types to be classified in groups 2, 3 and 4. The 1 is just for straight hair, so we will not talk about it today. Inside each groups we will have the subcategories A, B and C.
It sounds complicated right? But I will show you it’s not. Actually when you understand the classifications is much more easier to take care of our beautiful curls.
Let’s go!
TYPE 2: no curls yet
Type 2 hair are the less curly from all but they aren’t straight as well. Is slightly wavy with no curls. And the subcategories are:
2A – We can’t call it straight but not curly even. It’s the famous wavy.
2B – The waves are more defined than 2A, but still is not a curl. Tendency to frizz.
2C – Almost there! Let’s say this type is more rebel “rebel”, in away that it is even more wavy than previous one. The bad news is that the ends usually are dryer.
Tip: as higher the hair porosity is and as more sensitive, more care you will need. A golden tip that will help your routine and the Day After is using a Satin Bonnet or Satin Pillowcase to sleep.
Type 3: here they are
Curls, we arrived! This type we can already call each other curly friends!
3A – That type that stays in between you know? S-shaped and sometimes is curlier and defined, other day the curls are less defined. Something that counts a lot for this type is the clime change.
3B – Here are the famous ones. Curls spring from the roots and more defined. Hey 3B girls, hydration always ok?
3C – Almost coily, curls are more defined, springy and tight here. Hydration is essential for 3C ones. Double attention here!
Special tip: Whenever your hair is appearing dull means it is missing natural oils or has a product excess, ok?
Maintain a natural oil routine and deep clean it once in a while preferring shampoo free of lauryl glucoside sulfate.
This tip is valid for every texture!
TIPO 4: over curls!
These are the ones calles coily or fafro. Besides what people think and talk about, this hair type is the most sensitive one. With less protection, it breaks easily, are dryer and less shinny. All dedication, love and care for are essential! Let’s talk about the subcategories:
4A – S pattern with a dense spring and small coils . The main difference between 3C is the volume, this type is less shiny and with more volume! Abuse of oil is a must!
4B – We crossed the curl boundaries and now we are at a hair type which is a “Z” form. Super sensitive, dense and very defined. Shrinks a lot when dry, appearing much shorter than it really is. GIRL, you have what we call Black Power!
4C – Tiny tiny curls, very defined, with zig-zag pattern but you need to take care of them! To have defined and healthy curls you need use and abuse of moisturizers! Give a lot of love to your BLACK POWER.
Now that you learned how to classified your hair, soon I will come back here and give you some more tips on how to take good care of your waves and curls. Oh! And there’s more: is super natural to find in one head more than one hair type ok? So, yes, if you are on doubt still, probably you are one of those people with more than one type.
And that’s the reason is so important to identify your hair need and choose the ideal product for it. A lot of brands use this classification on their products bottles, but always pay attention on your hair needs.
If you do have any doubts classifing your hair type, let me know here on the comments!
Chill, slowly you will improve your understanding and learning how to deal with your hair type. See you soon!